Friday, March 9, 2012


so i just talked to my dad about when he is going to come pick me up from ames to go back to waukee. first of all, i'm irritated as fuck because he doesn't want to pick me up. he's been trying to convince me to stay in ames or to find another ride. this is irritating because i have plans in des moines tonight and i'm the only one leaving ames tonight, so i can't find a different ride.
i'm done with classes at two. so i asked if my dad could pick me up around two or three. he says i was thinking six. WTF?! that's four hours where i'm just going to have to sit doing nothing, while all my other friends are getting ready for the night in ames.
ASDFGHJKL!! i'm so irritated by the conversation. mostly because it makes me realize how lazy my dad can be. it's not that hard to drive one hour to pick up your daughter for spring break. good lord.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

tiger hug

look at how farking huge that tiger is. DAMN. 

spring reading

i started reading angels and demons for my spring reading. i'm about 65 pages in, and the book is incredible. i decided to read it because i've seen the movie; and i loved the movie. but now i'm hearing the book is better then the movie, so i'm stoked. i feel like i can't set it down.

today i had a nice surprise at lunch. about 15 minutes after we usually go to eat, i got a text from andrew saying we'd be eating in about 20 minutes and that matt and trevor were coming to eat at seasons with us. it was a good news of course. we went back to their apartment in the back of matt's tiny car. then we played massive amounts of guitar hero band with drums, bass, and guitar.

i just got an e-mail about five minutes ago saying we don't have morning class tomorrow because out instructor's son is sick. sucks for him, sleeeping innnn for this girl. (: plus apparently we're getting crazy tomorrow with matt and trevor. bowls and beers with friends starting as soon as my classes end. looking forward to it.


i'm listening to dubstep right now. it's blowing my mind as i'm just internet surfing. such beautiful sounds. <3 

check out this song. BEAUTIFUL VIBES.


this picture is breathtaking. i need a horse in my lifetime.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

in waukee

i'm at home for the weekend. it's pretty nice being here because my bedroom is somewhere i can go to in order to not be with another person. as you can see i'm bored of the college dorm roommate thing. i want my own bedroom. that's all. just hung out with cameron, we went to mcdonalds and it was delicious.
but now i have to work on homework. hopefully listening to dave matthews band will keep me from madness.
of course now that i think of it, i'm going to hooters and target tonight. wings are gonna be gooooood.

olsen twins.

olsen twins. they're so gorgeous. love them. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

it's a nice afternoon finally.

well, i got my drop slip now i just have to get it signed and turn it into the enrollment building. i also called my mom like three times. usually talking to her makes her feel better. i also asked her to set up an appointment with my counselor, and i told her i'd start taking my anxiety medicine. which put her in a better mood, at least i think...well she laughed. but whatever. it's a nice day out so i'm gonna stay in a good mood. my friends are skateboarding in the parking lot, i can hear them from the eighth floor, so i yelled at them. haha. ed, ed, and eddy is on and i got pizza and some tea. looking forward to tonight. (;

totally unfair.

i'm dropping my biology class because it's absolutely impossible. i talked to my parents about it and they were fine with it as long as i do well in the classes that i'm still in. sounds like a food deal right? well my dad just called me and told me he went to my mom's office this afternoon. apparently she's flipping out about it now and what not. my dad told me that when i move back home next year that i'm going to be given random drug tests. wtf?!? they want me to come home because they miss me, but then they threaten me with shit that i wouldn't have to deal with if i were on my own. i'm pissed.

lion hug

this makes me tear up a little bit. such a beautiful animal in such a beautiful moment. <3